He describes this essence as pure, free, and unaffected by anything that occurs. Helikens it to a silent witness that watches through the body's senses, yet is not moved,either to happiness or sadness, based on what it sees.For Nisargadatta, the Self is not one super-entity which knows independently,regardless of things; there is no such super-entity, no Creator with infinite intellect. Goddoes not exist independently from creation. What does exist is the "total acting" (or functioning) of the Ultimate or Absolute Reality along the infinite varying forms inmanifestation. This Absolute Reality is identical to The Self.Nisargadatta's teachings also focus on our notion of causality as being misinterpreted.He understood that the interconnectedness of varying forces in the universe is so vastand innumerable that the notion of causality, as presently understood, is wasted. Theendless factors required for anything to happen means that, at most, one can sayeverything creates everything; even the choices we make are predetermined by our genetic code, upbringing, mental strivings and limitations, our ethical and philosophicalideals, etc, all of which are uniquely combined to each person and recontextualizedaccordingly.This leads to the radical notion that there is no such thing as a "doer". According to himand other teachers of Vedanta, since our true nature or identity is not the mind, is not thebody, but the witness of the mind and body, we, as pure awareness, do nothing. Themind and body act of their own accord, and we are the witness of them, though the mindoften believes it is the doer. This false idea (that the mind is the self and responsible for actions) is what keeps us from recognizing our Self. Nisargadatta cautions:
'"The life force [prana] and the mind are operating [of their ownaccord], but the mind will tempt you to believe that it is "you".Therefore understand always that you are the timeless spacelesswitness. And even if the mind tells you that you are the one who isacting, don't believe the mind. [...] The apparatus [mind, body] whichis functioning has come upon your original essence, but you are notthat apparatus." - The Ultimate Medicine, (pp.54 - 70)
Among his most known disciples are Sailor Bob Adamson [21][22]. , Stephen Wolinsky[23], Jean Dunn, Alexander Smit, Robert Powell, Timothy Conway [1] andRameshBalsekar
Quotes of Nisargadatta Maharaj
* "All you can teach is understanding. The rest comes on itsown."[24].* "Truth is not a reward for good behaviour, nor a prize forpassing some tests. It cannot be brought about. It is the primary, theunborn, the ancient source of all that is. You are eligible becauseyou are. You need not merit truth. It is your own. Just stop runningaway by running after. Stand still, be quiet [25]." - Interview withSri Nisargdatta Maharaj* "My advice to you is very simple – just remember yourself, ‘Iam’, it is enough to heal your mind and take you beyond, just havesome trust. I don’t mislead you. Why should I? Do I want anything fromyou? I wish you well – such is my nature. Why should I mislead you?Common sense too will tell you that to fulfill a desire you must keep
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